For the setup to this thought, let me copypasta part of an im convo.
weavermoon: Already
that's it
because any more will make me froth at the mouth
or maybe
maybe it will be zombie
a horrible reanimated shambling corpse of what once was
Okay, so I know you're all probably tired of the Sailor Moon thing....if you're not now, don't worry, you will be.
But if you recall from my ASMR is dead post (if you read my ASMR is dead post...) I can't help but feel this deep connection between the universe of Sailor Moon and my own much smaller, far less epic universe of existence.
We've seen the rise and fall of popularity, unconditional love, and possibility together. And with Sailor Moon quietly entering into a universal memorial phase I was left facing the (probably unlikely since I'm overly dramatic) odds of my own mortality.
Or perhaps, since it's unlikely that I would actually die so young, the zombieish state of affairs going on inside my life.
Things, dear reader, have not gone so well for me in the last decade, but most assuredly, in the last five years. From bad to worse and every shade of desperation in between. I've given up before I've even started, and have yet to satisfactorily answer the "what's the point" or the "who cares" questions in regards to my future.
I guess I'm not a genuine self starter. I need someone to love me to love myself. I need someone to believe in me before I can believe in myself. I need someone to have faith and trust in me before I can follow through. I need someone to value me to value myself. I need someone to better myself for, to keep me going.
But ascribing zombiehood to a possible (ok, very likely) resurgence of the Sailor Moon fandom gave me a thought. Things are looking up in the Sailor Moon universe.
Maybe, just possibly, could that mean that positive things could be coming to my own life as well?
I mean, if the analogy and synergy works one way, can't it possibly work the other way too?
Maybe there's hope and possibility after all?
A thought, dare I to dream.
Moon Healing Escalation?
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(Neither of which were made by me)
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