Monday, March 21, 2011

Whut whut

So, I should make a post.
Why? Because I'm still up, my computer is on, and I'm, I dunno....already getting too long and rambly answering questions that only *I* am asking in the first place.

Dad and theevilone were here last week. Only saw them for a few hours on Fri night, though.
theevilone has been getting better at social interaction with the family, and if you didn't know better, you might suspect she even passes for homo sapien and has a working heart (even if only original Grinch size.)
........That is until she said she was "tired" and wanted to go to bed (they were spending the last night at the Grandparents' house...the better to be driven to the airport the next morning) and took Dad with her. Then she proceeded to yell up a storm at him even though we were all still in the living room and there was only a blanket in the hallway to separate the sound.

This is all par for the course and not even a particularly bad case and certainly much much shorter than most all the bouts I can recall. But apparently, V had never "witnessed" the theevilone's act firsthand before. She'd heard the stories, as she'd put it, but never actually seen it before "woah".

DAN has an iphone now (cheat! If I use all his initials it's the same as his name. Oh, Mom, you really were feeling cheeky at that point, weren't you.) This is good but he should have told me sooner. I've been going to bat for him for months now, dropping hints and the like (he was literally the only one without one at that point). I was just setting up to tee off for the evening's round of hint dropping, mentioning how Dan's current phone the menu buttons no longer worked...then Dad said "you mean on the iphone?"
So, yeah, I guess that bit is resolved peacefully and to everyone's benefit ('cept Dad's pocketbook as the plan is more expensive).

Did some baby stuff shopping and went to UFC at one of G's friends' houses on Sat. Got to play with the baby. That's always awesome. Liz + babies = OTP

I got to train all last week at work, so that was cool. I hope there are a bunch more transferees coming in that need training up. :)

Mr.ThatGameWhereYouPlayWithElectronicPeople (cheat, avoiding the name by giving you name?) is back from vacation this week and will be reviewing the questionnaires. I'll either make it to round three (interview) or not from there. Wish me luck, or hope good things for me, or you know, not, whatever, who asked you anyhow?

There was a Groupon for language classes and I really wanted to get it (they offer French and Japanese in addition to a bunch of other stuff) but I was totally bummed because the classes are all evening, twice a week, so it doesn't work with my work schedule. :(((((((

Speaking of randomness (as I always am) I'm totally annoyed at my phone/blogger, except I love both my phone and blogger, so maybe I'm only specifically annoyed at Blogger on my phone. Because last week I posted a response to one of AM's blog posts. But then it captcha'd me and it refused, utterly refused, to recognize any of what I put in as right, though I tried it about six times. But what's worse is that it won't let me back arrow back to my comment. So now my comment is just....sitting the expanse...trapped forever.

I don't know if that sort of thing ever happens to you, mythological reader(s), but it always annoys the crap out of me. There's nothing like picking out your perfect phrasing and then losing that just formed wording into an eternity of nothingness to knock the wind from your sails.
It's like, the comment hasn't been made so the space is still there for what I wanted to say.
The person I was going to speak to hasn't heard anything so from their perspective nothing's been said.
Etc etc. All of that is true, but it doesn't matter because your brain can now do nothing but lament the loss of that perfect turn of phrase designed to trigger a smile. And nothing you could ever come up with to replace it will be as good.
Even if you somehow pull out the actual original phrasing a second time, you will just imagine that its not the same, not nearly as good.

Le sigh.

White. People. Problems.

I tell you what.

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